The proof that the square root of two is an irrational number is considered to be one of the most elegant in all of mathematics.
As a formal “If…, then…” statement, it reads: If then
is not a rational number. A more informal statement of this is “the square root of two is irrational”.
Rational Numbers
But what is a rational number? A rational number is a number that can be represented as a fraction (ratio) where the numerator (top) and denominator (bottom) are integers (), and the denominator is nonzero. For example, 3.14 is a rational number since
(careful: this is NOT the same as “pi”
Notice that the fraction above can be “reduced”: where the “2’s” have been “cancelled”. The fraction
can no longer be reduced because 157 and 50 have no common (integer) factors. In fact, 157 is a prime number. Therefore, the representation of a rational number as a fraction is not unique. It also turns out that any given representation as a fraction can always be completely reduced until the numerator and denominator have no common factors.
The Proof that the Square Root of Two is Irrational
Below is an elegant proof of the “If…, then…” statement above. It was discovered by the ancient Greeks over 2000 years ago. It is elegant because it proves this very profound fact in a relatively brief way with an ingenious strategy.
The profundity of this fact supposedly had an unfortunate real-world consequence. There is a story that Hippasus of Metapontum was killed for discovering it because it went against the worldview of the Pythagoreans.
The ingenious strategy used is a proof by contradiction.
Proof: Suppose is a number with the property that
. Suppose, for the purpose of obtaining a contradiction, that
is rational (the opposite of what we want to prove). Then there are integers
, which have no common factors, such that
. Since
have no common factors, at least one of them must be an odd number.
Since we can say that
. Thus,
. But this means that
is even and therefore
is even — say
for some integer
. (Think about it: if
were odd, then
would also have to be odd.)
Plugging this into the equation leads to
. This implies that
. But then
is even, leading to the conclusion that
is even.
Therefore, we conclude that and
are both even. This contradicts the fact that we said at least one of them is odd. This means that our original assumption that
is rational must be false. It must in fact be irrational. We are done. Q.E.D.
Related Video
The fact and proof given above are special cases of the fact and proof given in the video embedded below. In this video, it is proved that, if is a positive integer which is not a perfect square, then
is irrational. The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic is required to prove this.
But Does the Square Root of Two Really Exist?
The proof that the square root of two is not rational makes an implicit assumption: that the square root of two exists. That is, we are assuming that there is a number such that
But is it possible that there is no such number?
This is definitely a harder question to answer. Geometric reasoning seems to indicate that there must be such a number. After all, according to the Pythagorean Theorem, if a square has side length 1, its diagonal must have length , where
. See the figure below. In other words, the length of the diagonal must be the square root of two.

Doesn’t the diagonal of a square indeed have a length? Isn’t the Pythagorean Theorem true? We don’t want the foundation of everything we learned about geometry to crumble — do we?
The Arithmetic Standpoint
While the existence of seems irrefutable from this geometric standpoint, it is not irrefutable from a purely arithmetic standpoint (as an adjective, pronounce “arithmetic” as: eriTHˈmedik).
If we think about rational numbers either as fractions or in terms of their decimal representations (which either terminate or have an infinitely repeating pattern), we know by the proof above that we will never come up with a rational number whose square is two. How then can we know that there is some infinite non-repeating decimal representation of a number whose square equals two, exactly?
By trial-and-error, we could keep finding terminating decimal expansions whose squares gets closer and closer to two. For example, and
But this method is no good! This approximation process will never stop! And how in the world would we square an infinite non-repeating decimal anyway? Yikes! We need another approach.
What We Need Instead
The approach we need is part of the subject called Real Analysis. In this subject, the emphasis is on the arithmetic viewpoint, because humans can be more easily misled by pictures. But it also uses pure logic rather than a computational/approximation strategy.
The research program for doing this from the ground up in the 19th century was called the arithmetization of analysis. Its effects are with us in strong ways today. Advanced Real Analysis, sometimes referred to as “Measure Theory and Integration“, has profound implications and applications. These include, for example, applications in Probability, Physics (Quantum Mechanics), and Finance & Economics.
Constructing the (Positive) Square Root of Two
Truth be told, the approach taken to prove that the square root of two exists is to mathematically “construct” it. This means that precise language and logic are used to “create” a number system that has a mathematical “object“, or “entity”, whose square is two.
This can actually be a ton of work, depending on your starting point. As an extreme example, in the tome “Principia Mathematica“, written in the early 20th century by Alfred Whitehead and Bertrand Russell, it takes 379 pages to prove that 1 + 1 = 2!
The task of thinking deeply about what is really going on when such a thing is done is the realm of the philosophy of mathematics. In this field of study, we can ask, and attempt to answer, questions such as: Do mathematical objects really exist? Is mathematics discovered or created? Sometimes such questions are even pondered in relation to faith in God.
Our Mathematical Construction
Interesting as this subject is, in this article, we will focus on the mathematical construction. But is there a way we can construct the square root of two more quickly than Whitehead and Russell did?
The answer is yes — though what we will do might feel like “cheating”.
First Assumption
We will do this by assuming, first of all, that all rational numbers have already been constructed and that we already understand the arithmetic and algebra of rational numbers.
To be more thorough here, we would actually need to spend time discussing the mathematical concept of a “field“. It will suffice for us to say that, in a field, all the abstract algebraic properties you learned in school, such as the distributive property, work as you would expect.
Second Assumption
Secondly, we will also assume that we fully understand the concepts of “greater than” and “less than”, and their cousins “greater than or equal to” and “less than or equal to”. This includes understanding the relationships between these concepts and the arithmetic operations of addition and multiplication. For example, we will assume that we already know that the product of two positive numbers (two numbers greater than zero) is also positive; and that the product of a positive number and a negative number is negative. We will also assume, for example, that if and
As was discussed in the post “Deconstructing the Mean Value Theorem, Part 2“, there is one more thing we need to assume: the Completeness Axiom. This will be something that is assumed to be true about all real numbers. In other words, we will assume that the real numbers are an ordered field that satisfies this axiom and go about constructing the square root of two from that point.
Statement and Meaning of the Completeness Axiom
The Completeness Axiom can be stated in a precise way as follows:
Completeness Axiom: Let be any nonempty set of real numbers that is bounded above, so that there is a real number
such that
for all
Then there is a real number
with the following properties: 1)
for all
is an “upper bound” of
) and 2) if
then there is a number
so that
(any real number less than
is not an upper bound of
). The number
is called the (unique) least upper bound of
It is also called the supremum of
and we write
This is quite a mouthful and you really need to consider examples to understand it. But at the moment let us just remark that is kind of like a maximum value of the set
, though it might NOT actually be a member of
As a simple example, if
is the open interval
, then
, but
Now we construct the square root of two as follows: let be the set of all real numbers whose square is less than two, symbolically,
. We claim that the supremum of this set is the square root of two. If you think about graphing
as a set on a number line, this claim should make intuitive sense. However, this claim takes proof.
Proof that the Supremum of S is the Square Root of Two
What is the first thing that must be proved? Well, in order to even have a real number supremum, this set must be nonempty and bounded above. Clearly is nonempty since, for example,
Can we think of a possible upper bound? How about This seems like it should work. Can we prove it? Let us argue by contradiction: suppose, to the contrary, that
is not an upper bound of
This would mean that there is a number
But then (assuming we know properties of inequalities) we can say that
contradicting the fact that
is bounded above.
The Completeness Axiom now can be invoked to say that exists as a real number (note also that
). There is only one thing left to prove: that
But how in the world can this be done?
by Contradiction and the Law of Trichotomy
We can again use an argument by contradiction (we are seeing that this is a very useful method of argument). Suppose, to the contrary, that The so-called “Law of Trichotomy“, which we can use since we are assuming we fully understand inequalities, then leads to the conclusion that either
Though the rest of the argument is tricky, we will see that both of these statements lead to logical contradictions, ultimately implying that
The Case Where 
What happens if, for example, Intuitively, by “continuity“, we might hope that there is a number slightly less than
whose square is also greater than 2. But this would imply that the number slightly less than
is an upper bound of
which would contradict the fact that
is the least upper bound of
Let’s do some scratch-work to figure out the details: how small should be so that, if
as well?
Start by computing and notice that this is greater than
). We can now rephrase our question as: how small should
be so that, if
, then
Solve this last inequality for : adding
to, and subtracting 2 from, both sides gives
Now divide both sides by the positive number
to get
, the right-hand side of this inequality is a positive number, so a
satisfying this inequality can be “found” (actually, this last statement takes proof as well).
Reversing the Logic
To make the argument prove what we really want it to prove, just reverse the logic: since and
we can choose a number
implying that
But this means
so that
is an upper bound of
(think about this!), contradicting the fact that
is the least upper bound of
The Case Where 
Therefore, the option is ruled-out. What about
Again, by continuity, we might hope there is a number so that
as well. If this happens, it would contradict the fact that
is an upper bound of
because it would imply that
We again start with scratch-work: first, compute If we assume, for the sake of argument, that
then we can say that
so that
We want to choose
so that this last expression is less than 2. Solving the inequality
, a positive solution for
Reversing the Logic
Now reverse the logic. Assume that so that
. Since
we can choose a number
This implies that and
so that
which means
This contradicts the fact that
is an upper bound of
Therefore, the option is also ruled-out.
We are happily forced to conclude that We are done. Q.E.D.
Concluding Thoughts
The algebra and logic of this proof can certainly be confusing. Even if you follow every step, however, it may still feel unsatisfying. Have we really “constructed”
According to the Completeness Axiom, yes, we have. The number is constructed to be the supremum of a certain nonempty set of real numbers that is bounded above.
But what about the truth of the Completeness Axiom itself?
The fact we are calling this property an “axiom” is a big hint that we are using it as a starting point — in actuality, by assuming that it is true.
But is that “fair”?
It depends on your point of view. All of mathematics takes place in the framework of some “axiomatic system“. We need a starting point to avoid implicit assumptions and/or circular reasoning. The choice of axioms that we work with is, to some extent, a matter of taste. As Whitehead and Russell did, we could start with much more “foundational” or “rudimentary” axioms and go from there, though that would make our task much more arduous.
If we chose more rudimentary axioms, the Completeness Axiom would no longer be an axiom. It would instead be a theorem that would require proof.
Other Ways of Constructing the Real Numbers
If you are interested in other ways to construct the real number system, prove completeness, and prove that objects like and
exist, you might consider, as a starting point, the Wikipedia page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Construction_of_the_real_numbers.
We end by emphasizing that the existence of the particular root is a very special fact, and it is not as important as the existence of a general (positive) nth root
of an arbitrary real number
The Completeness Axiom can be used for such a general proof. A rigorous reference to find a proof is the so-called “baby Rudin” textbook: https://www.amazon.com/Principles-Mathematical-Analysis-International-Mathematics/dp/007054235X.