New Video: Immunization, Part 6

Checking Conditions for (Lack of) Redington Immunization in a Spreadsheet

Spreadsheets are extremely useful tools for many business, academic, and personal applications.

Examples of situations where spreadsheets are useful include: budgeting (totals, averages, piecharts), descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations, correlations, graphs), inferential statistics (t-statistics, p-values, ANOVA regression tables), finance (monthly payments, internal rates of return), simulation (random number generation, discrete … Read the rest

New Video: Immunization, Part 5

Redington immunization is a concept that can be defined in terms of derivatives of present value functions.

Given asset cashflows A_{0},A_{1},A_{2},\ldots,A_{n} and liability cashflows L_{0},L_{1},L_{2},\ldots,L_{n}, each set of flows occurring at times t=0,1,2,\ldots,n, the expressions P_{A}(i)=\displaystyle\sum_{t=0}^{n}A_{t}(1+i)^{-t} and P_{L}(i)=\displaystyle\sum_{t=0}^{n}L_{t}(1+i)^{-t} represent the present values of these cashflows, as functions of an arbitrary periodic interest rate i.

If we let h(i)=P_{A}(i)-P_{L}(i)=\displaystyle\sum_{t=0}^{n}C_{t}(1+i)^{-t}, where C_{t}=A_{t}-L_{t}, then we say the liabilities are Redington immunized Read the rest

Why Does Slicing a Cone Give an Ellipse?

The intersection of the pink plane with the blue cone is an ellipse (shaded orange when y > 0 and brown when y < 0). The length of either red line added to the length of either yellow line is constant. 

Currently my favorite YouTube channel is “3Blue1Brown“, created by Grant Sanderson.

With excellent visuals and high production quality, Grant both shows and explains mathematics in a way that … Read the rest

New Video: Immunization, Part 3

Immunization of a liability cashflow by an asset cashflow can help to cushion a company when interest rates change, but is it always possible?

My most recent video is “Actuarial Exam 2/FM: Liabilities Not Immunized by Assets in Spite of PV and Duration Matching” (Financial Math for Actuarial Exam 2 (FM), Video #171. October 2018 SOA Sample Exam, Problem #127). … Read the rest