Complex Numbers are Real

Complex Numbers are Beautiful Too

Real Analysis Study Help for Baby Rudin, Part 1.7

Complex numbers can be represented either using Cartesian coordinates or polar coordinates. The geometric interpretation of complex multiplication is very beautiful using polar coordinates.
Complex numbers can be represented either using Cartesian coordinates or polar coordinates. The geometric interpretation of complex multiplication is very beautiful using polar coordinates.

Are imaginary numbers real? After all, why are they be called “imaginary”? Doesn’t this name imply that they don’t exist? To

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The Archimedean Property

The Completeness Axiom is a sufficient condition to prove the Archimedean Property, but is it necessary?

Real Analysis Study Help for Baby Rudin, Part 1.5

A Visualization of the Archimedean Property in the case where x=8 and y=70. The smallest positive integer value of n that makes nx>y is n=9.

Does the sequence \left(\frac{1}{n}\right)_{n=1}^{\infty} approach zero as n\rightarrow \infty? Sure! After all, given any number

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The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus

Calculus 2, Lectures 5A through 6 (Videotaped Fall 2016)

The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus implies that the area under the graph of the speed function gives the distance traveled function.
The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus implies that the area under the graph of the speed function gives the distance traveled function.

The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus is often split into two forms in textbooks.

These forms are typically called the “First Fundamental Theorem of Calculus” and the “Second Fundamental Theorem of … Read the rest

Integration by Substitution (Method of Integration)

Calculus 2, Lectures 2A through 3A (Videotaped Fall 2016)

How to visualize integration by substitution for a definite integral. The starting and ending areas are the same.
The integral \displaystyle\int_{0}^{\sqrt{\pi/2}}2x\cos(x^{2})\, dx gets transformed to the integral \displaystyle\int_{0}^{\pi/2}\cos(u)\, du under the substitution u=x^{2} and du=2xdx.

In Calculus 1, the techniques of integration introduced are usually pretty straightforward. In fact, they are usually just memorized as basic facts about antiderivatives.

For Calculus 2, various new integration techniques are introduced, including integration by Read the rest