Studying for Exam LTAM Series

My Background and Your Prerequisites

This post is the first in a series about studying for Actuarial Exam LTAM — Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics. This exam is basically equivalent to the exam previously labeled Exam MLC — Models for Life Contingencies.

Back in the year 2005, I studied for and passed actuarial Exams P and FM (Exams 1 and 2), on … Read the rest

New Video: Immunization, Part 7

Balancing Cashflows is Good, Prioritization of God in Life is Even Better

My newest video continues my series on financial mathematics for actuarial exam 2/fm preparation (it is Video #175 of that series). It also continues the topic of the latest videos, which is immunization of liability cashflows by asset cashflows.

Furthermore, I continue to make use of a spreadsheet … Read the rest

New Video: Internal Rate of Return

Lecture 5 on Financial Mathematics for Actuarial Science

Financial Math for Actuaries, Lecture 5: Internal Rate of Return (IRR), a.k.a. Yield Rate

I have been working on developing video resources for Bethel University‘s course on Financial Mathematics for Actuarial Science for the past couple of years.

Mostly this has consisted of making many very detailed problem-solving and conceptual videos … Read the rest

New Video: Immunization, Part 6

Checking Conditions for (Lack of) Redington Immunization in a Spreadsheet

Spreadsheets are extremely useful tools for many business, academic, and personal applications.

Examples of situations where spreadsheets are useful include: budgeting (totals, averages, piecharts), descriptive statistics (means, standard deviations, correlations, graphs), inferential statistics (t-statistics, p-values, ANOVA regression tables), finance (monthly payments, internal rates of return), simulation (random number generation, discrete … Read the rest

New Video: Immunization, Part 5

Redington immunization is a concept that can be defined in terms of derivatives of present value functions.

Given asset cashflows A_{0},A_{1},A_{2},\ldots,A_{n} and liability cashflows L_{0},L_{1},L_{2},\ldots,L_{n}, each set of flows occurring at times t=0,1,2,\ldots,n, the expressions P_{A}(i)=\displaystyle\sum_{t=0}^{n}A_{t}(1+i)^{-t} and P_{L}(i)=\displaystyle\sum_{t=0}^{n}L_{t}(1+i)^{-t} represent the present values of these cashflows, as functions of an arbitrary periodic interest rate i.

If we let h(i)=P_{A}(i)-P_{L}(i)=\displaystyle\sum_{t=0}^{n}C_{t}(1+i)^{-t}, where C_{t}=A_{t}-L_{t}, then we say the liabilities are Redington immunized Read the rest