Useful pre-university mathematics is not restricted to arithmetic, percentages, and basic algebra.
Functional-thinking is one key to doing many other useful things. Tools such as substitutions, the quadratic formula, and logarithms also come in handy.
These tools are used in engineering and science. For example, in the evaluation of useful integrals (such as those that come up in Fourier analysis applied to signal processing), the analysis of the motion of a projectile, and the determination of the half-life of a radioactive substance. But these tools can be useful in financial mathematics as well.
It is also the case that what I call “functional-thinking” is very powerful, including in financial mathematics. What do I mean by this? I mean that, as much as possible, your mathematical thinking should be dominated by the desire to conceptualize equations as defining functions that can often be graphed and analyzed, sometimes using calculus to help. This is especially fruitful when you have a computer-algebra system (CAS) such as Wolfram Research‘s Mathematica. It can do a lot of the calculations and graphing for you; freeing you up to ask questions, make conjectures, and draw interesting and useful conclusions.
Solving for Two Unknown Equally Spaced Deposit Times: The Power of Functional-Thinking
In the video below, I solve a financial mathematics problem. A person named Tina makes two deposits that are equally spaced in time after time . Therefore, we can say that they occur at times
. Another person, named Joe, has an account that grows using simple interest. We assume that Tina’s account grows using compound interest to the same final accumulated amount (future value) as Joe’s at time
in the video). The goal is then to solve for
Generalizing the Problem
Tina has two specific deposit amounts at a specific interest rate in the video. However, I want to emphasize the importance of generalizing to my audience for this blog. So I will use general symbols (letters) for these quantities. Generalizing and handling symbolic equations with many arbitrary quantities are important skills for improving your mathematical abilities. These things will also help us emphasize the importance of functional-thinking near the end of this post.
So suppose that Tina deposits amount at time
and amount
at time
. Suppose further that the accumulated value at time
. The timeline for this situation is shown in the picture below.

It should be pointed out that neither nor
is required be an integer here; though in real life, compound interest is often only paid at integer or discrete rational values of time. Because of this complicating factor, whatever answers we get should be considered to be approximations in many situations.
Deposit is compounding for time
while deposit
is compounding for time
. If the effective periodic interest rate is
, then the combined future value is
. Therefore the equation of value is
Important side note: the interest rate in a problem may not always be given as an effective periodic rate, but rather a “nominal” rate that is compounded a certain number of times per period.
Using Logarithms
There are six arbitrary quantities and
, but only
is unknown. The fact that
is in two exponents is the clue that a logarithm might be helpful. The fact that one of the exponents involves
and another involves
is a more subtle hint that the quadratic formula might also be useful.
This is the point of the problem-solving process where both experience and symbolic-manipulation skills, using abstract properties of algebra (including exponent properties), is essential. Even with such skills, it may not always be clear whether your manipulations will produce something useful. Keep at it! Don’t be afraid to do some scratch work along the side of your paper.
Rewriting the Equation of Value in a Form Leading to the Use of a Substitution and the Quadratic Formula
As mentioned above, the equation of value is and our goal is to solve for
. First, by laws of exponents, this may be rewritten as
This form of the equation has the benefit of highlighting a common factor on the left-hand side, . We next factor this out to get
Now divide both sides of this equation by the nonzero quantity . This gives
. Next, rearrange by subtraction to get
Now we start to get an inkling that the quadratic formula might be helpful. Indeed, by another law of exponents, we know that , so our equation is
This is the point where a mathematical substitution is helpful. What is a mathematical substitution? It’s really just a way of rewriting an equation so it looks simpler. How? By making a replacement. In the present situation, replace with some simpler symbol, like another letter; say
. Since the constant term is somewhat complicated, we might also want to use a substitution for that; say
. After making these definitions, the equation of value becomes
This is a quadratic equation in the unknown quantity , with zero on one side. Hence, the quadratic formula can be used to solve for
, giving
Using a Logarithm to Finish
Since , use a logarithm to find
as a function of
. In most situations where calculus might be handy, use the natural logarithm (log base
. Applying this function to both sides of
and using properties of logarithms gives
. Therefore,
Now replace with the expression two paragraphs above. Then take the positive square root (since
) to get our somewhat wild-looking final answer:
The Power of Functional-Thinking
Was all this generality worth it? I think so. Let me try to convince you.
First, take the equation above and think of it as defining as a function of the other quantities. Using notation from multivariable calculus, we could write, for instance:
In other words, defines a function
of five independent variables and one dependent variable
Remind yourself what this represents. For a given first deposit , second deposit
, future time
, effective periodic interest rate
, and accumulated value
at time
, the output of this function gives the value
at which the first deposit is made and the value
at which the second deposit is made.
For the example from the video above, you can use your calculator to check that . This is the final answer, in years, derived in the video.
Solving Infinitely Many Problems at Once with Functional Thinking
This function now helps us to solve infinitely many other problems of the same type. All without having to re-do our work! Hey!…Infinity is Really Big! Suppose, for example, that the deposit at time is
, the deposit at time
, the future value is
, the effective annual interest rate is
, and the future time is
. You should check with your calculator that the first deposit occurs at time
Even more impressively and importantly, however, graphs of this function can help us understand it more deeply and conceive of other relevant questions to ask and answer.
How can this be? How can we make the graph of such a higher-dimensional function? Isn’t that impossible?
If you thought of these questions, that’s not surprising. No human that I know of can accurately and “truly” visualize beyond three spatial-dimensions. However, a standard trick-of-the-trade in this situation is to look at “slices” of the “true” higher-dimensional graph.
Graphical Analysis
Since there are five independent variables and one dependent variable, the true higher-dimensional graph would be a five-dimensional “hypersurface” or “manifold” sitting inside -dimensional space. However, we can reduce this down to something we can visualize by setting most of the variables equal to constants.
For example, the figure below shows the graph of as an “ordinary” graph of one independent variable
. The red dot highlighted on the graph has coordinates
. Again, this represents the answer from the problem in the video. Technically-speaking, this graph is created by slicing the five-dimensional graph with a two-dimensional plane in six-dimensional space. Yeah…just try visualizing that as you go to sleep tonight…

But what does the blue dot represent? Notice that this graph has a horizontal T-intercept, where . The blue dot has a second coordinate
. Its first coordinate can be approximated to be
. This can be interpreted as saying the following. When
, and
, the original problem has no financially-meaningful solution when
(approximately). This is something we never may have even thought about without using functional-thinking and graphing.
Other Questions to Ask and Answer
What other kinds of questions can we ask and try to answer by looking at the graph? We can note that, at least on the given -interval, the graph appears not only increasing but also slightly concave up. That
increases as
increases should not be surprising. But is it surprising that the rate of increase should itself increase? That’s something that seems very difficult to answer intuitively, but the graph seems to confirm it.
Will this always be the case? Maybe we should make a graph over a larger interval. Below is the graph of the same function for . We see something unexpected!! The graph “straightens out” as
increases further!!

How much does the graph straighten? Does it ever become concave down? To answer this, we could graph it over an even bigger interval. Alternatively, we could find its second derivative and see if that ever becomes negative.
Using Calculus and a Computer Algebra System (CAS)
This is again complicated enough that a CAS is extremely helpful. When I used Mathematica, here’s what I got for the simplified second derivative (with respect to , when
This quantity is clearly always positive. Here’s what its graph looks like. Notice that it always is fairly small in value. It also does appear to approach zero at increases.

Other Graphs
Should we do anything else? How about graphing a function of two-variables? Let’s graph . This graph is formed by slicing the five-dimensional graph with a three-dimensional hypersurface in six-dimensional space, resulting in a two-dimensional surface in three-dimensional space (wow!). Here’s what it looks like. The figure is described by its caption.

Finally, we can make a movie of slices of this surface. For example, we can show the graph of as a function of
increases. In such a movie we are slicing this surface with planes parallel to the
-plane and moving it to the right as

One practical thing we see from this is that as increases, the
-intercept of this graph decreases, meaning that the set of times
for which the problem can be solved expands to include more and more low values of
. Cool! Functional-thinking is really powerful!
Below is the Mathematica code for the animation above for those who are interested.