Studying for Exam LTAM, Part 1.4

Survival random variables apply to other situations besides the lifetimes of people. A common example in textbooks is the lifetime of a light bulb.
Modern-day light bulb technology seems to be much better than it was even thirty years ago. I think this is especially true with regard to car headlights. My experience back in the 1980’s was that a headlight on a car would go out every 6-12 months or so. It was very common to see vehicles with only one headlight working.
In fact, one time I went to work for a 4-10 pm shift and when I started my car to head home, I realize to my horror that both headlights were out. Fortunately, my high-beams still worked, but of course other people flashed their high beams back at me the whole way home. It was hard to overcome the instinct to keep saying “sorry” to them in spite of their not being able to hear me.
Light bulbs do seem to fail at somewhat random times. How has the random lifetimes of light bulbs been mathematically modeled with probability? While it is not guaranteed to be the most accurate model, the one with a constant force of mortality (hazard rate function) is simple and has been used by engineers. This is also referred to as an exponential distribution, for reasons we will see below.
Review of Survival Random Variables
Let be a continuous survival random variable representing the age-at-failure (death) of a “newborn”. In this case, the “newborn” is a newly made light bulb — or, at least, a light bulb that has just been turned on for the first time. Let
be the survival function of
The corresponding probability density function is
If we assume survival to age we can define
to be the remaining-lifetime random variable. The corresponding survival function for
is then a conditional probability
and the PDF is
The complete expectation of life is the mean of , which we denote by
. Under certain reasonable assumptions, it can be shown that
We have seen another way to describe all this: by using the force of mortality (hazard rate function). By definition, it is the relative rate of decay of the survival function of a newborn. We also use
as the corresponding force of mortality for
If we know the force of mortality, we can also find the survival function. First, use the Chain Rule to rewrite the equation as
A bit of algebra and integration then leads to the conclusion that
Technically-speaking, all this machinery is best viewed from the perspective of a newborn. If we assume, at “birth”, the newborn will survive to age then
models the remaining lifetime. However, it is common to make the assumption that
models the remaining lifetime of an entity (person, light bulb, etc..) that is currently age
. This certainly makes the modeling simpler, if nothing else.
The model we look at in the next section has another simplifying feature. It truly does not depend on the assumed attained age at all!
Constant Force of Mortality (Exponential Decay of Survival)
In survival modeling, it is sometimes best to take the force of mortality as the starting point. Whereas a uniform distribution (De Moivre’s Law) starts with a simple probability density function (a constant function), here we start with a simple force of mortality.
So assume that , a positive constant. This would directly imply that
as well. So we already see the independence of this model from the value of
This can also be seen by computing the survival function First note that
which is already independent of
. Then
which of course is also independent of
Since , what we have here is an illustration of the fact that this model is “memoryless“. The conditional probability of living another
units of time, based on the assumption that
units of time has already been lived, is independent of
. It also equals the unconditional probability of living at least
units of time.
We see that the conditional PDF in this situation is and is also independent of
, as it should be. The fact that the PDF is an exponential decay is the reason this distribution is most commonly referred to as an exponential distribution.
The mean (complete expectation of life) in this situation is independent of and equals the constant function
Because of this, if we label the mean
(don’t confuse this with the force of mortality), the PDF is often represented as
In all of this, there is, of course, a dependence on the parameter The animation below shows how the force of mortality (FM), in red, and survival function (SF), in blue, change as
increases from 0.1 to 2 (making the mean decrease from 10 to 0.5).

The Mathematica code for this animation is shown below.

Another Graphical Perspective on the Memoryless Property
Recall that . It follows from this that, for any any fixed
, the graph of
can be obtained from the graph of
by the following steps.
1) Shift the graph of to the left by
units to obtain the graph of
2) Vertically stretch the graph of by a factor of
to obtain the graph of
When a survival random variable is memoryless, that means that
for all
. In other words, no matter the value of
the combined graphical two transformations above produce no change in the graph of
This means that the graph of is, in a sense, “similar” to itself; at least via these transformations. Any piece of the graph, basically, “looks just like” the whole graph. We can illustrate this with the animation further below.
The piece of the graph to the right and underneath the red lines “looks just like” the whole with respect to these two transformations (the values of and
here are
). As the animation parameter
increases, we see the effect of the transformations described in steps 1 and 2 above. The end result is the same as the original whole graph.
Note that the brown horizontal lines all have the same length, representing the horizontal shift from step 1. On the other hand, the vertical orange lines do not all have the same length. Instead, they represent the constant (multiplicative) scaling factor in step 2. Their lengths are all being multiplied by the same constant.

The Mathematica code for this animation is shown below.

Applications of the Distribution
Intuitively, since the force of mortality is constant, we expect that the “threat of failure” is consistent across the lifetime of the individual (person, light bulb, etc..). We see that this results in a memoryless distribution for which the PDF of the remaining lifetime of an individual at age
, an exponential decay function.
Two implications of this last fact include:
- The “majority” of deaths/failures occur at relatively “early” ages.
- Every once-in-a-while, an individual will “live” (not fail) for a very long time.
Implication 1 arises from the fact that the “majority” of the area under the graph of the exponential function occurs right away, when
is “small”. Implication 2 arises from the fact that
for all
, even though it is “very small” when
is “very large”.
Certainly these properties are not characteristic of human lifetimes. Are they characteristic of lifetimes of light bulbs?
Personally, I have not done any experiments to confirm the answer to this one way or the other. If I had to guess, I’d say that this distribution is not a perfect model of the lifetimes of light bulbs.
So are there any real-life applications of this distribution? Yes. Technically-speaking, it will be a “perfect” model for “wait times” of a so-called Poisson process. This arises when you are counting the number of times some event occurs over a fixed measure of time, under some technical hypotheses that we will not get into.
If represents the “wait time” between one occurrence of the event and the next in a Poisson process, then
will have an exponential distribution. In other words,
will be a “survival” random variable with a constant force of mortality.
Real-life situations where people have attempted to apply this include: wait times between hurricanes (of any given strength), wait times between arrivals in a line (for example, of people at a ticket counter), and wait times between phone calls.
Do life insurance actuaries ever use this distribution? Yes, though they mostly use it for purposes of interpolation within a given year of the lifetime of an individual person. Over such a short time period, it seems reasonable to assume the “threat of death” remains basically constant.