Visual Linear Algebra Online, Chapter 1: Vectors, Matrices, and Linear Transformations (The First Chapter of an Online Textbook)
Section 1.1 (Referring to this Blog Post Titled “Points, Coordinates, Skew Coordinates, and Graphs” Above)

What is the point? Wait a minute — that’s not the question I meant to ask here. I meant: What is a point?
How would you define a “point”? Maybe you would say “A point is…”
- a dot, like a period.
- something really, really, really, small (at the “opposite extreme” from infinity) — like an atom or maybe even an electron.
- a location.
- a geometric object that has no length, area, or volume.
Are any of these descriptions satisfactory? Not really, though if I had to choose, I would say options 3 and 4 are “best”. On the other hand, we certainly typically draw points as if they are “dots like a period” from option 1. Option 2 might be thought of as an approximate physical representation of a point. And, in fact, physicists often speak of “point particles”. But Option 2 does not fully capture how “truly small” a point is.
Visualizing a Point
Option 4 takes precedence over option 1 because you should realize that zooming in on a point should not change how big you make it look when you draw it. That is, points should look the same at all levels of magnification. They do NOT “get bigger” as you zoom in closer.

The best approach is actually to leave the notion of a point as intuitive, but undefined. This helps us to avoid circularity in our definitions. It actually helps us to avoid confusion as well. This is one important example of a mathematical abstraction.
So far, we are implicitly assuming that points must lie in a plane. This is partially because this is the most typical way of visualizing them. We will continue making this assumption for most of Section 1.1 of Visual Linear Algebra Online (this blog post). But you should realize that points can be in be in “spaces” of any dimension — even spaces with more than three dimensions! In fact, even spaces with infinitely many dimensions! Hey, Infinity is Really Big!
Video for Section 1.1 of Visual Linear Algebra Online
Here is a video I made that includes a summary of the content of this first section of Visual Linear Algebra Online. The written text for Section 1.1 continues further below.
Rectangular Coordinates in “the” Plane
The play on words at the very beginning of Section 1.1 is a bit of a punny joke. Since there are (infinitely) many different points that can be considered, it does not make sense to speak of “the” point.
However, you will sometimes hear mathematicians speak of “the” line or “the” plane. This is in spite of the fact that there are infinitely many different lines and planes that can be considered. Don’t worry about this too much. Essentially, when we speak of “the” line or “the” plane, we just want to draw our attention to the fact that we are focused on either a one-dimensional or a two-dimensional situation.
It is important to realize that we imagine both “the” line and “the” plane have infinite extent. The line goes on forever in both (one-dimensional) directions and the plane goes on forever in all (two-dimensional) directions.
The Ancient Greeks, the Arabs, and the 17th Century Frenchmen
The ancient Greek mathematicians (such as Pythagoras, Eudoxus, Euclid, and Archimedes) were interested in geometric objects in their “pure” form. They worked with things like points, lines, triangles, circles, cylinders, spheres almost as if they were actual physical objects (though many like Plato viewed them as idealized “forms”). While they did consider descriptive magnitudes such as lengths, areas, volumes, and angle measures, there was little movement toward understanding these objects, magnitudes, and their relationships in terms of variables or a fixed frame of reference.
The notion of a reference frame had to wait many years until after the development of symbolic algebra in the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula. Then, in the 1600’s, Frenchmen RenĂ© Descartes and Pierre de Fermat used this symbolic algebra and their imaginations to define the idea of rectangular coordinates in the plane. This system of coordinates is often called Cartesian coordinates in honor of the former of these two intellectuals.
One of the main points of emphasis in this section of Visual Linear Algebra Online is that these ideas can be generalized to, for example, skew coordinates and polar coordinates. We will ultimately see that skew coordinates, in particular, are very important in linear algebra and its applications.
Construction of Rectangular Axes and Gridlines
How is the rectangular coordinate system defined? Start by defining a unit of length. Physically-speaking, you could use something like a centimeter in this definition. Then “impose” a set of two axes (directed lines) on the plane that are perpendicular to each other. The point at the intersection of the two axes is called the origin and is sometimes labeled .
Next, mark off points on these two lines that are each one unit apart and label them as shown in the picture below. Also, label the two axes. The traditional labels are “x” and “y“. This labeling is part of how the symbolic algebra starts to come into play. These letters will represent (real-valued) “variables”. But, at the moment, they are just names for the axes.

Once this has been done, use these axes to define a rectangular grid. In essence, it is as if you are making graph paper as shown below.

Rectangular Coordinates
Each point in the plane now has a unique “address”: its rectangular coordinates. For any given point , draw a vertical and a horizontal line through
. The location where the vertical line intersects the horizontal
-axis is called the first coordinate of
. The location where the horizontal line intersects the vertical
-axis is called the second coordinate of
There are three points , and
in the picture below, along with the corresponding vertical and horizontal lines described in the paragraph above.

Since the vertical (red) line through intersects the horizontal
-axis at about
we say that this is the first coordinate of
. Since the horizontal (red) line through
intersects the vertical
-axis at about
we say that this is the second coordinate of
. The rectangular coordinates of
then are written as an “ordered pair”
. With this labeling, the first coordinate is also called the
-coordinate and the second coordinate is also called the
Likewise, the rectangular coordinates of are
and the rectangular coordinates of
Signed Distance Interpretation
In addition to the interpretation we have just given, the rectangular coordinates can be thought of as signed distances to the axes. In particular, since the rectangular coordinates of are
we can say that
units to the right of the vertical
-axis and is
units below the horizontal
For ease of reference and visualization, we will commonly abuse notation and write , even though
is a point and not an ordered pair. The following animation of a moving point emphasizes the signed distance interpretation of the coordinates as well as the notation just mentioned — there is also a connection to trigonometry!

A final comment for this section: a coordinate plane is often described using the labels for the axes. If the axes are labeled with and
, the coordinate plane is called the
Equations and Graphs: Big Benefits of Coordinates
Once rectangular coordinates have been defined on the plane, we are set to make use of the foundational correspondence between equations and graphs. It is difficult to overstate how historically important this correspondence has been — both for mathematics and its applications. The book Infinite Powers: How Calculus Reveals the Secrets of the Universe, by Steven Strogatz is a very clear, thorough, and interesting account of why this correspondence has been so important. The study of the correspondence between equations and graphs is so vast and profound that it is essentially a field of study: called analytic geometry.
How does this correspondence work? For “nice” equations and “nice” graphs, it is two-way. Given any “nice” equation, it has a “nice” graph. Conversely, given any “nice” graph, it can at least be approximated by a “nice” equation. We leave the word “nice” undefined, except to say that it includes most of the examples you have probably considered in your past mathematics courses.
On the other hand, the word “nice” definitely applies to equations that are linear.
Linear Equations, Nonlinear Equations, and Graphs
In algebra and precalculus classes, a linear equation in two variables and
is defined to be one that can be put in the form
for some constants
. It is assumed that either
(most typically, both
). Note that the variables
are both raised to the first power.
A nonlinear equation is one that cannot be put in this form. This typically means that the equation has other powers of and/or
, or that there are expressions involving “transcendental functions” such as
in the equation.
Given any equation involving two variables and
, its graph is defined as follows. It is the set of points
in the rectangular
-plane whose coordinates
make the equation true. In other words, when you substitute each such pair of numbers in the equation simultaneously, you get a true statement.
In a rectangular coordinate system, linear equations have graphs which are straight lines and nonlinear equations have graphs which are not straight lines.
Example 1: Draw the graph of the (linear) equation 
You could start solving this problem by guessing some points on the graph. For example, the points whose coordinates are and
both satisfy the equation (make it true). This is because
. Another point that can be guessed is the one whose coordinates are
, since
A more systematic approach is to solve for as a function of
. Then pick various values of
and use the function to find the corresponding values of
Here are the algebra steps: . The expression on the right-hand side of the last equation defines a function
by the formula
. The graph of this function is the same as the graph of the original equation.
Now we can make a table of values using a variety of choices for the “independent variable” . For example, if we choose
, then
Here is an example table of values:
Here is the corresponding plot with the points from the table highlighted. The graph can be seen to be a straight line by plotting even more points.

Example 2: Draw the graph of the (nonlinear) equation 
By inspection, we quickly see that the points with rectangular coordinates and
are on the graph. To be more systematic, we solve for
to get
and then make a table of values. One such table is:
Plotting even more points produces the graph below. It is not a straight line. It turns out to be a special curve called a parabola, however.

Skew Coordinates (a.k.a. Skew Coordinate Systems)
Is there anything special about rectangular (Cartesian) coordinates?
Yes. What makes the system of rectangular coordinates special is that it is relatively easy to understand and to use. It seems natural to draw a grid with horizontal and vertical lines like this.
But must we use rectangular coordinates? For example, do the coordinate axes have to be perpendicular to each other?
The answer is “no”. We could use, if we want, a system of slanted coordinates, which are more officially called skew coordinates. In such a system, the coordinate axes are not perpendicular to each other.
Of course, you could ask why we would do such a thing. At the moment, it will suffice to say that doing so makes many problems easier to think about and to solve. You could even say it is a big part of the purpose of the entire subject of linear algebra. We will see many examples of this in later chapters, where we consider the idea of a change of basis.
Example of Skew Coordinates
An example of a skew coordinate system we can consider is one where the vertical axis stays vertical, but the horizontal axis becomes slanted. Maybe we make the non-vertical axis to be slanted at a angle from its original position. Below is a picture of this situation. The origin
is still the spot where the axes intersect. The axes have been relabeled with
. This is in spite of the fact that the vertical axis has not changed.

But if we do this, how should the “address” of any given point be determined? The most natural way is to make use of a slanted grid like the one shown below. This is like having slanted graph paper. Each of these lines corresponds to either the value of or the value of
being constant.

Estimating New Skew Coordinates by Eye
Now consider the points and
in the slanted skew coordinate system below. In the original (old)
-coordinate plane, the coordinates of
and the original coordinates of
. The red and blue lines shown indicate how to find their “new” coordinates in the “new”
-plane. Can you guess their approximate new coordinates before reading on?

By my rough eyeball estimate, I guess that the new skew coordinates of are
. I also guess that the new skew coordinates of
. Make sure you understand why!
For , the reason is that the slanted dashed red line is about 2.8 units long (in the positive direction from the vertical
-axis) and the vertical dashed red line is about 2 units long (in the negative direction from the slanted
-axis). For
, the slanted dashed blue line is about 5.7 units long (in the negative direction from the vertical
-axis) and the vertical dashed blue line is about 3 units long (in the positive direction from the slanted
Transforming One System to the Other and Vice Versa
There is actually a system of (linear) equations that will “transform” the old (rectangular) coordinates into the new (slanted) skew coordinates
. For this example, this system happens to be:
For example, take the point from above. Its rectangular coordinates were
. Plugging these values into this system of equations gives
so that
, just as was guessed above.
Moreover, this system can be solved for and
to obtain a new system of linear equations that will go back the other direction (like an inverse function). It will “transform” the new (slanted) skew coordinates
into the old (rectangular) coordinates. For this example, this system happens to be:
Note that if and
, then these equations give
so that
Graphs and Equations Can Get Transformed Too
Given an equation in the original -coordinates, we can see what happens if we graph the same equation in the new
-coordinates. In addition, given a graph with a certain equation in the original
-coordinates, we can see if we can find new
-coordinate equation for that same graph.
If that is confusing to you, a couple examples should help.
Example 3: Draw the graph of the (linear) equation
in the slanted
-plane. Also, represent the straight line graph of
from the original
-plane in terms of the new
To graph in the slanted
-plane, we can use the same procedure as in Example 1. However, we must use the (slanted) skew coordinates to make our graph. We solve for
as a function of
to get
. This gives the same table of values as before (but relabeled).
Here is what the new graph looks like in the skew coordinate system, along with the seven points from the table above. Make sure you understand how these points are plotted using the values of and
, as well as the slanted gridlines. Also note that the graph of this linear equation is still a straight line, even though the coordinate system is skewed.

To represent the original line from Example 1 in the new coordinates, just use the transformation equations from above:
. Substituting these converts
. This simplifies to
. If you graph this equation in the slanted
-coordinates, you will get the same line (visually-speaking) as the one from Example 1.
Example 4: Draw the graph of the (nonlinear) equation
in the slanted
-plane. Also, represent the parabolic graph of
from the original
-plane in terms of the new
In our final example we do the same kind of thing as in Example 3, except for the nonlinear situation from Example 2.
Solving for
as a function of
. The table of points to plot is the same as before, but relabeled.
We must plot these points with respect to the new slanted coordinates. Doing so gives the following graph. Note that it still seems to be a parabola. This is indeed the case.

Another interesting aspect of this particular graph is that there is a 3D (three-dimensional) kind of effect if you look at it in the right way. It’s almost as if you are looking at the ordinary rectangular coordinate system, but with perspective. From this 3D perspective, the positive -axis should seem like it is closer to you than the negative
-axis is. Also, the parabola would actually be the same as the one in the rectangular coordinate system when you imagine this picture with perspective.
To represent the original parabola from Example 2 in the new coordinates, just use the transformation equations from above:
. Substituting these converts
. This simplifies to
. If you graph this equation in the (slanted) skew
-coordinates, you will get the same parabola (visually) as the one from Example 2.
Nonlinear Coordinates
There are also plenty of nonlinear coordinate systems. For the plane, the most common and useful of these is polar coordinates. For polar coordinates, there are no “axes” in the same sense as before (though we usually draw the ordinary rectangular axes for reference).
Instead, we start by picking the origin of the plane and drawing a horizontal ray emanating from it. Draw tick marks one unit apart on this ray and then draw circles centered at the origin whose radii are the distances from the origin to these tick marks. Finally, draw other rays emanating from the origin at various angles from the original ray. The result is a polar coordinate system with a polar grid as shown below.

The polar coordinates of any point are written as
. The symbol
represents the distance of the point to the origin. The symbol
represents an angle that the ray
makes with the positive
-axis. The value of
is not unique. In fact, the value of
is not unique either if we allow
to represent a signed distance. In this case, a negative signed distance is taken to occur along the “opposite ray” from the ray
with angle
Graphing a Function in Polar Coordinates
An interesting thing here is that a “linear” function, such as , will actually have a graph in polar coordinates that is not a straight line. Here’s the relevant table of data in polar coordinates:
You should make sure you understand that is measured in radians here. One complete revolution around the origin corresponds to
Below is the graph of this function with the same special points plotted as in Examples 1 and 3, but now in polar coordinates. It’s no line, but isn’t it beautiful?

A nonlinear transformation that takes polar coordinates and converts them back to rectangular coordinates
can be found using trigonometry. The transformation is:
Converting from to
takes more care and involves the arctangent (inverse tangent) function
. We leave this for the exercises.
Exercises about Rectangular Coordinates
- For the linear equation
, (a) Solve for
as a function of
, (b) Make a table of values of this function for
, (c) Graph the resulting points and also the resulting the line in the rectangular
- For the nonlinear equation
, (a) Solve for
as a function of
, (b) Make a table of values of this function for
, (c) Graph the resulting points and also the resulting line in the rectangular
- Consider (rotated) skew coordinates where the
-axis is at a
angle from the
-axis and the
-axis is at a
angle from the
-axis, as shown below. (a) Graph the linear equation
in this (rotated) skew coordinate system. Is the result a line? (b) Graph
in this (rotated) skew coordinate system. Does the result still resemble the graph of a cubic function in the variables

Transformations Between Coordinates
4. For #3, the system of linear equations that transforms the “old” rectangular coordinates into the “new” (rotated) skew coordinates
On the other hand, the “inverse” system of linear equations that transforms the “new” (rotated) skew coordinates into the “old” rectangular coordinates
(a) Use the first of these systems to find the “new” (rotated) skew coordinates of the point
with “old” rectangular coordinates
. (b) Use the second of these systems to take your answer from part (a) and convert it back to rectangular coordinates. (c) Use the first of these systems to convert
to rectangular
coordinates and simplify. Do you still get a linear equation? (d) Use the first of these systems to convert
to rectangular
coordinates. Is it possible to solve the resulting equation for
as a cubic function of
in any kind of simple way?
Exercises about Polar Coordinates
5. (a) Find the exact rectangular coordinates of a point
whose polar coordinates are
is in radians). (b) Graph this point.
6. (a) Find the exact polar coordinates of a point
whose rectangular coordinates are
. (b) Graph this point.
7. Use polar coordinates to carefully graph the function , where
is in radians and
8. Use polar coordinates to carefully graph the function , where
is in radians and