Suprema and Infima (Sups and Infs) Lie at the Heart of Real Analysis. The Range of Cos(n) is an Interesting Example.
Study Help for Baby Rudin, Part 1.3
Which property separates the field of real numbers from the field of rational numbers (or any other proper subfield of the real numbers)? We will ultimately see that it is the so-called Completeness Property, which is related to the concept of the least upper bound (supremum) of an ordered set.
The concept of a least upper bound, or supremum, of a set only makes sense when
is a subset of an ordered set
(see Study Help for Baby Rudin, Part 1.2 to learn about ordered sets). When every nonempty subset of
which is bounded above has a least upper bound (with respect to the order
), we say that
has the least-upper-bound, or “completeness”, property.
The ordered field of rational numbers does not have the least-upper-bound property. As we saw in Study Help for Baby Rudin, Part 1.1, the set
is bounded above (for example, by the number 2) while the set
is bounded below (for example, by the number 1). In fact,
, with every element of
being an upper bound of
. But
has no smallest upper bound in
has no largest element and because
has no smallest element.
This article will focus mostly on the content on page 4 of Baby Rudin to expand on these ideas. We will also take the opportunity to explain a couple important concepts from logic. These are the concepts of the negation of a definition and the contrapositive of an implication.
Finally, we will study an interesting example involving the cosine function.
Definition of Bounded Above and Least Upper Bound (Supremum)
Assume that is an ordered set in all that follows. This means there is an (total) order relation
defined on
satisfying the trichotomy law and the transitivity law. As stated in the previous post, given
, we will also write
. Furthermore,
is equivalent to
is equivalent to
First, we should define when an element is an upper bound of a set
Definition: Let . An element
is an upper bound of
for all
. In other words, if
belonging to
implies that
is less than or equal to
For example, if (the ring of integers) and
, then
are both examples of upper bounds of
). In fact,
is an upper bound of
if and only if
. Note that we are assuming
has the “standard” order along a number line. This will be our ongoing assumption with
in all future posts.
Logical Negation
This definition provides us with our first opportunity in this article to describe one of the two concepts from logic mentioned above: the negation of a definition.
Informally, the negation of a statement is its “opposite”. In the present case, we can define what it means for to NOT be an upper bound of
by negating the definition above.
Take the implication . We can use the universal quantifier
(“for all”) to write this implication in a way that is easier to “negate”. That way is:
. To negate this definition, change the universal quantifier
to an existential quantifier
(“there exists”). Also, change the direction of the inequality.
In other words, an element is not an upper bound of
exactly when:
. In words: “there exists and element of
that is bigger than
“. This should make good sense when you draw a number line as a way to imagine an ordered set.
We can define a “dual” concept of a lower bound for a subset of . It is a good exercise for you to write out an appropriate definition and its logical negation on your own.
When Is a Set Bounded Above?
Now we can define what it means for a set to be bounded above.
Definition: Let . We say that
is bounded above (in
) if there exists an upper bound for
). In other words, if there exists
such that
For example, is bounded above in the ring
. Of course,
is also bounded above in the rational field
and in the real field
As another example, is bounded above (in both
). Any number greater than or equal to 1 is an upper bound of
. (Here, and in future posts,
represents the set of natural (counting) numbers.)
Of course, there is also the dual concept what it means for a set to be bounded below.
Least Upper Bound (Supremum) and Logical Contrapositive of an Implication
The key concept of a least upper bound (supremum) is defined at the top of page 4 in Baby Rudin.
Definition: Suppose is an ordered set and
. Assume that
is bounded above. An element
is the least upper bound (supremum) of
is an upper bound of
- If
, then
is not an upper bound of
. In other words, if
, then
such that
When this is true, we write . We also say “beta is the supremum of
“, or “beta is the sup of
Condition (2) is in the form of a logical implication: if then
, read as “
“), where
represent the statements “
” and “
such that
“, respectively.
As a logical implication, we can form its contrapositive: if , then
, read as “not
implies not
“), where
is the “negation operator”. In the case of the definition above, the contrapositive becomes if
is an upper bound of
, then
: i.e.,
is indeed the “least upper bound” of
The contrapositive of an implication is a new implication that is logically equivalent to the original implication. In other words, they have the same “truth value”. They are either both true or both false in any given situation. Thus, the contrapositive provides an alternative way of viewing the definition.
Two Examples: The Supremum of a Closed Interval and Its Interior (an Open Interval)
Consider an example on the real number line (under the standard order, of course). Suppose
, the closed interval from
. We claim that
, the right endpoint of the interval.
To see why, note first that is certainly an upper bound of
, by definition of
. This fulfills condition (1) of the definition of a least upper bound (supremum).
But what about condition (2)? Is it easier to prove the original version or its contrapositive? In this case, they are both relatively straightforward to prove, though the contrapositive is a bit “quicker”.
For the original version, start by assuming that . We must show that there exists
such that
is not an upper bound of
). We can think in terms of cases here: if
, then we can take
. On the other hand, if
, then
will work (technically this takes proof, but we take it as intuitive in this post).
For the contrapositive, start by assuming that is an upper bound of
. This gives us the conclusion we seek right away: by definition, this means that
If we take out the endpoints of , we get a new set
, called the interior of
, which is the open interval
. It turns out that
as well, in spite of the fact that
has no largest element.
The fact that is an upper bound of
is again trivial. For the proof of condition (2), the second argument (of the contrapositive) from two paragraphs above no longer works because
. Instead, we would have to use the first argument from three paragraphs above and use the facts that
in the first case, and
in the second case.
In any case (mild pun intended), we make the important observation that: sometimes the supremum of a set is an element of the set and sometimes it is not.
Remember this fact for the future!
The Least Upper Bound (Supremum) of a Set is Unique (Proof by Contradiction)
The definition of least upper bound (supremum) of a set is constructed in such a way to guarantee that, if it exists, it is unique. To see why, use a proof by contradiction.
To see why, suppose to the contrary that has at least two different suprema, call two of them
. Since
, the Law of Trichotomy (see implies that
. Since these are arbitrary symbols, we can, without loss of generality (WLOG), assume that
But now, the fact that is a least upper bound of
implies that
is no longer an upper bound of
, which is a contradiction to the definition of
being a least upper bound of
as well. (This argument is an example of something that is so trivial it is actually a bit confusing.)
This contradiction implies that our original assumption that has at least two distinct suprema must be false. Therefore,
either has a unique supremum or no supremum at all. In other words, if
exists, it must be unique.
Greatest Lower Bound (Infimum) of a Set That is Bounded Below
There is a dual concept of the (unique, when it exists) greatest lower bound, or infimum (or “inf”, for short) of a set that is bounded below. We write (and say)
if: (1)
is a lower bound of
and (2) If
, then
is not a lower bound of
. In other words, if
, then
such that
It is also worth emphasizing that a set which is not bounded above in will not have a supremum in
, while a set that is not bounded below in
will not have an infimum in
More Examples of Sups and Infs
Before we consider our final example, here is a list of examples for you to think about and verify on your own as exercises. Think of these all as being subsets of the ordered field . Find and prove the values of
for all these exercises:
is the set of all reciprocals of the positive integers
- Now
is the set from #1 formed by a union with a special singleton set
is the set of all “oscillating reciprocals” of the positive integers
- Take
to be an arbitrary finite set of real numbers. WLOG, you may assume you have indexed these numbers in order
is the image (“range”) of the squaring function on a closed interval of the real number line
- Now
is the image of the same squaring function but on the corresponding open interval (interior of the previous one)
- Here
is the image of the same squaring function on a half-open/half-closed interval
- Finally,
is the image of the cosine function on an open interval of the real number line
You may also find the following video that I made to be helpful:
An Interesting and Non-Trivial Example. Find the Values of the Sup and Inf of Set of Outputs of the Cosine Function for Positive Integer Inputs
The answers to #8 above, when , are
. But what happens when the inputs of the cosine function are positive integers instead?
In particular, let . What are the values of
here? Note that this set is not an interval or a finite set. Also note that, compared to most of the exercises above, it is a “complicated” infinite set.
In fact, the real numbers in are all irrational (this takes proof). If we approximate the first five of them (as
increases), we get
If you compute enough of these numbers (hundreds, if not thousands of them), you may start to suspect that and
. This is in spite of the fact that
never equals
In fact, if you make a graph of these values along a number line, the points even seem to “densely” fill up the entire closed interval (there is actually a precise technical meaning for the concept of such a dense set). In actuality,
is only a “countably infinite” set of irrational numbers in
. However, such a set can indeed get “arbitrarily close” to any number, rational or irrational, in
. This includes the endpoints

Further Evidence that 
What would it mean for ? First, it would mean that
is an upper bound of
. But that is obviously true since
for all
It would also mean that, given ,
is not an upper bound of
Stated in a more typical way, given any , no matter how small,
is not an upper bound of
For example, if , how big does
need to be so that
. A bit of experimentation reveals that
is the smallest positive integer that works:
If so that
, it turns out that
is the smallest positive integer that works. We get
And if so that
, then (with the help of a computer program) it turns out that
is the smallest positive integer that works. We get
We could keep going. This is evidence that helps us believe that , but it is certainly no proof.
Proof that 
We can prove that , but it is a bit tricky. In fact, we need some definitions and facts from Real Analysis that are found later in Baby Rudin. The list below consists of the things we need.
- We need the so-called Archimedean Property of the real numbers. This says that, given two real numbers
, then there exists a positive integer
such that
. In fact, there is also a smallest such positive integer
that makes this inequality true (this last fact is based on the “Well-Ordering Principle”, which we take as an axiom).
- We need the so-called Pigeonhole principle. Informally, this says that if
“objects” (numbers) are put in
“containers” (sets), where
, then at least one container must contain more than one object.
- And we need the definition of continuity at a point, the fact that the cosine function is continuous everywhere, and the fact that
. Because of all this, we can say that, given any
, there exists a number
such that if
, then
. Informally, we can make
as close as we like to 1 if we take
sufficiently close to
Here now are the details of the proof. It is a very typical kind of proof encountered in real analysis, though it is a bit trickier than most exercises beginning students can handle.
Let be given. We must show that there is some
such that
Since is continuous at
, we can choose a number
such that
. Since
for all
, the inequality
can also be written as
Next, choose a positive integer so that
(here is where we need the Archimedean Property). For each
, let
. In other words,
, where
represents the greatest integer (floor) function. For example,
. Note that, interpreted as angles measured in radians,
are equivalent (they differ by an integer multiple of
). In particular, this means that
There are distinct numbers in the list
(it takes proof to show that these are distinct — I’ll leave it for you to check). These numbers, by definition, are all in the interval
Furthermore, there are intervals in the list
. These intervals are disjoint and cover the interval
(and they all have length
Therefore, by the Pigeonhole Principle, at least one of these intervals contains at least two values from the list of distinct numbers. Say
are two distinct numbers that have the property that
for some specific
(say, with
) and some specific
This means that . Let
Let . Then,
. Thus,
Since , we have
as well, as desired. Q.E.D.
Understanding the Proof By Example
If you had a hard time understanding this proof, do not be discouraged. Keep working at it! It takes time to get used to these kinds of proofs. That is a large part of the challenge of Real Analysis.
To help you understand it, it is helpful to work through the proof for a particular value of . For example, take
. If you use your calculator to solve the equation
for solutions near
, you will find approximate solutions
. This means that we can take, for example,
Based on this value of , the smallest value of
such that
. This makes each of the intervals in the proof have length
It then turns out that and
are such that
. In other words,
This implies that we can take . Note that
. In other words,